AD pathology is seen in the brains of APP KO mice reconstituted with AD bone marrow
(A) Micrographs show the immunostaining and confocal imaging of the cortical region of WT→APP KO and AD→APP KO mouse brains. The expression levels of CD105 (green), DAPI (cyan), Aβ (red), and CD31 (blue) are shown where Aβ and CD105 are significantly higher in AD→APP KO mice compared to WT→APP KO mice. Data are shown as mean ± SD of percentage area of expression. Unpaired Student’s t test was used to calculate significance (p ≤ 0.05).
(B) Qualitative IHC shows the expression of CD105 (green), Aβ (red), and occludin (blue). The occludin expression is inverse to that of CD105 and Aβ, and Aβ is seen co-localizing with CD105.
(C) Qualitative western blotting analysis indicates the presence of mutant human APP protein in AD→APP KO animals and an absence of it in the WT→APP KO. VEGFa is expressed higher in AD→APP KO (n = 5) compared to WT→APP KO (n = 4). Expression levels of TJP, ZO1, are higher in WT→APP KO (n = 7) compared to AD→APP KO (n = 8). Blots shown here are from pooled samples from the animals in the groups to be representative of the group. Histograms show expression levels of proteins in individual animals. Unpaired Student’s t test was used to calculate significance (p ≤ 0.05).