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. 2024 Jun;23(6):603–614. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(24)00121-2

Table 3.

Clinical characteristics of RAB32 S71R heterozygotes

Country Father's origin Mother's origin Sex Age, years Family history of parkinsonism Age at onset, years Disease duration, years Initial symptom Asymmetry at diagnosis Diagnosis subtype Cognition (MMSE score) Positive response to levodopa Other characteristics Shared 0·36 Mb haplotype spanning RAB32
III-3 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Male 70 Yes 60 10 Resting tremor NA Tremor 29 Yes NA Yes
II-3 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Female ∼98 .. 81 17 Resting tremor NA Tremor 15 Yes NA Yes
III-4 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Female ∼78 .. 40 39 NA NA NA 21 Yes NA Yes
III-1 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Male 69 Yes 54 15 Resting tremor NA Tremor 17 Yes NA Yes
III-5 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Male 85 .. 63 22 Resting tremor NA NA 17 Yes NA Yes
III-2 Canada, Quebec French-Canadian NA Male 70 Yes 50 21 Postural instability, clumsiness on left side Yes Akinetic-rigid 26 (MoCA after 17 years of disease) Yes Melanoma. Hyperlipidemia Yes
III-3 Canada, Quebec French-Canadian .. Female 66* .. 51 15 Pain right superior limb Yes NA NA Yes Melanoma, died of colorectal carcinoma at 66 y Yes
TUN3: II-1 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Female 70 Yes, brother 55 16 Akinetic-ridged parkinsonism Yes Akinetic rigid Normal Yes, with drug-induced dyskinesia Autonomic dysfunction (constipation and urinary), no oculomotor signs Yes
CAN2: II-1 Canada, Saskatchewan Romania Germany Female 80* NA 68 12 Tremor (right leg), progressing to bradykinesia and rigidity within first year Yes Mixed 28 (normal)at 80 years Amantadine, selegiline, before L-dopa after 9 years Sparse neurofibrillary tangle pathology Yes
POL1: II-1 USA Poland Poland Female 60 Yes, both parents 43 17 Tremor NA Tremor NA NA NA Yes
ITL1: II-1 Canada, British Columbia Italy Italy Female 70 Yes, mother unspecificed disease, onset 37 years 60 10 Bradykinesia NA NA NA Yes NA Yes
FRA1: II-1 France Turkey NA Female NA No 44 NA Tremor and bradykinesia NA NA 23 (mild cognitive impairment), 13 years post onset Yes, but dyskinesia and dystonia Autonomic dysfunction (urinary); high blood pressure and dyslipidemia Yes
US1: II-1 USA European NA Male NA Yes 38 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Yes
US2: II-1 USA European NA Female NA Yes 71 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Yes
US3: II-1 USA European NA Female NA Yes 72 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Yes
US4: II-1 USA European NA Male NA No 58 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Yes
UK1: III-1 UK European NA Female 66 Yes, maternal grandmother (onset 63, death 78), maternal uncle (onset 60s) 60 6 Right-sided rest tremor Yes Atypical NA Yes NA Yes
UK2: II-1 UK European NA Female 54 Yes, father with tremor, brother with a similar presentation of left arm focal dystonia and polyneuropathy 49 40 Childhood dystonic tremor, upper limbs Yes Atypical NA NA Hereditary demyelinating polyneuropathy, positive DaT-SPECT Yes
GER1: II-1 Germany NA NA Male 31 No NA NA Right leg, then right upper limb tremor Yes Tremor NA Yes Micrographia, hyposmia NA
CAN3: III-1 Canada, Alberta European NA Female 44 Yes, affected sister, father and paternal grandfather 44 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Yes

MoCA=Montreal Cognitive Assessment. MMSE=Mini-Mental State Examination. NA=not available. Conserved, shared 0·36 Mb haplotype spanning RAB32.