Table 1.
Algorithm descriptions including overview over default and tuned algorithm parameters. GSDAa, GSDB, and GSDC are algorithm versions described and validated for the lower back [11].
Domain | Algorithm name (reference) | Description | Original sensor position | Algorithm parameters (default) | Algorithm parameters (optimized) |
Machine learningb | Brand (2022) [17] | Use of deep convolutional neural network to discriminate gait and nongait segments based on accelerometer data. | Wrist |
Time domaine | Gu (2017) [41,42] | This method finds peaks in the summed and squared (RMSf) acceleration signal. It uses multiple thresholds to determine if each peak belongs to a step or artifact. | Wrist |
Time domaing | Hickey (2017) [43] | Window-based threshold comparison of combined SD of 3D acceleration signal and vertical acceleration. | Lower back |
Template basedg | Iluz (2014) (GSDA) [44] | Convolution of input signal with a gait cycle template (sine wave). Detection of local maxima in convolution result to define regions of gait. | Lower back |
Template basede | Karas (2019) [31] | Template-based method (considering covariance between a scaled and translated pattern function) for stride detection based on adaptive empirical pattern transformation. | Wrist |
Time domainb | Kheirkhahan (2017) [45] | Based on ActiGraph activity counts using sliding windows and adaptive thresholds. | Lower back |
Time domaing | Paraschiv-Ionescu (2019) (GSDB and GSDC) [46] | Locomotion period detection based on detected steps from the Euclidean norm of the accelerometer signal. Consecutive steps are associated to gait sequences. | Lower back |
Time domaing | Paraschiv-Ionescu (2020) [47] | Extension of Paraschiv-Ionescu (2019). It applies an improved preprocessing strategy for the acceleration norm including an iterative succession of smoothing and enhancement stages. Furthermore, a data-adaptive threshold was introduced. | Lower back |
Frequency domaing | Wavelets (Proprietary, Center for the Study of Movement, Cognition, and Mobility. Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel) | Time-frequency analysis using wavelets. | Lower back |
Machine learningb | Willetts (2018) [20] | Activity detection using random forests and hidden Markov models to detect various activity modes. Only the output for “walking” activity was considered. | Wrist |
aGSD: gait sequence detection.
bProgramming language is Python (Python Software Foundation).
cN/A: not applicable.
dCNN: convolutional neural network.
eProgramming language is R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing).
fRMS: root-mean-square.
gProgramming language is Matlab (MathWorks).