Faecal egg count reduction (FECR) estimates for strongyle parasites with 90% credible intervals (CrIs) for fenbendazole (A), ivermectin (B) and moxidectin (C). Using the eggCounts (EC) and bayescount (delta method, BC-D) R packages, the 90% CrIs were calculated. While the eggCounts package also provides an estimate for the FECR, the bayescount package only provides the CrI. Therefore, the FECR was calculated simply from mean pre and post egg counts. For sheep, the grey zone is located between 95% and 99% FECR and indicated by vertical lines. Colours indicate susceptible (green), resistant (red), low resistant (orange) and inconclusive (black) results. If the delta method was not the preferred method according to the bayescount approach (indicated by a #), the result of the BNB-B method is provided in a comment. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)