The representative schematic diagram shows the various properties which are influenced by HBOT and their clinical application. For starters, it can promote angiogenesis by increasing NO production, which leads to an increase in Nrf2 and growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and various associated factors will all be upregulated. Second, antimicrobial activity is visible due to bacterial killing by O2, which removes biofilm and reduces white blood cell (WBC) rolling and neutrophil recruitment, promoting the downregulation of proinflammatory cytokines. Downregulation of the transcriptional factors involving a proinflammatory response switch off (IL-6) and a polarisation from Th17 lymphocytes to Treg, is observed to have immunomodulatory properties. Overall, the HBOT application shows clear signs for endorsement of mainly wound healing and infections, primary emergencies (air embolism), and therapeutic interventions (comprising COVID-19, cancer, inflammatory conditions or ageing among others).