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. 2024 Jan 17;102(3):e208074. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000208074

Table 2.

Migraine-Related Characteristics/Outcomes and Clinical Characteristics by MiRS Group (n = 59,001),a as a Percentage of All Respondents

MiRS group Minimizing burden/secondary gain/both often/very often (N = 18,708; 31.7%) SMD
Minimizing burden/secondary gain/both often/very often vs never
Never (N = 6,715; 11.4%) Rarely/sometimes (N = 33,578; 56.9%) Minimizing burden
Often/very often (N = 9,987; 16.9%)
Secondary gain
Often/very often (N = 1,556; 2.6%)
Both often/very often (N = 7,165; 12.1%) Total (N = 59,001)
Migraine-related characteristics/outcomes
 Monthly headache days, n (%)b
  0–3 4,807 (71.6) 21,112 (62.9) 4,779 (47.9) 914 (58.7) 3,164 (44.2) 34,776 (58.9) 8,857 (47.3) 0.51
  4–7 966 (14.4) 6,363 (18.9) 2,312 (23.2) 327 (21.0) 1,592 (22.2) 11,560 (19.6) 4,231 (22.6) 0.21
  8–14 479 (7.1) 3,218 (9.6) 1,400 (14.0) 164 (10.5) 1,022 (14.3) 6,283 (10.6) 2,586 (13.8) 0.22
  15+ 463 (6.9) 2,885 (8.6) 1,496 (15.0) 151 (9.7) 1,387 (19.4) 6,382 (10.8) 3,034 (16.2) 0.29
 MIDAS, n (%)b
  Little or no disability (score = 0–5) 4,703 (70.0) 14,819 (44.1) 2,241 (22.4) 307 (19.7) 848 (11.8) 22,918 (38.8) 3,396 (18.2) 1.23
  Mild disability (score = 6–10) 767 (11.4) 6,201 (18.5) 1,714 (17.2) 248 (15.9) 950 (13.3) 9,880 (16.7) 2,912 (15.6) 0.12
  Moderate disability (score = 11–20) 582 (8.7) 5,794 (17.3) 2,213 (22.2) 376 (24.2) 1,545 (21.6) 10,510 (17.8) 4,134 (22.1) 0.38
  Severe disability (score = 21+) 663 (9.9) 6,764 (20.1) 3,819 (38.2) 625 (40.2) 3,822 (53.3) 15,693 (26.6) 8,266 (44.2) 0.84
 MIBS-4, n (%)b
  No interictal burden (score = 0) 4,224 (62.9) 10,998 (32.8) 1,839 (18.4) 69 (4.4) 339 (4.7) 17,469 (29.6) 2,247 (12.0) 1.24
  Mild interictal burden (score = 1–2) 1,088 (16.2) 6,481 (19.3) 1,736 (17.4) 88 (5.7) 409 (5.7) 9,802 (16.6) 2,233 (11.9) 0.12
  Moderate interictal burden (score = 3–4) 648 (9.6) 5,328 (15.9) 1,804 (18.1) 119 (7.6) 707 (9.9) 8,606 (14.6) 2,630 (14.1) 0.14
  Severe interictal burden (score = 5+) 755 (11.2) 10,771 (32.1) 4,608 (46.1) 1,280 (82.3) 5,710 (79.7) 23,124 (39.2) 11,598 (62.0) 1.24
 MSQ-RFR, mean (SD) 68.7 (24.5) 58.0 (21.8) 45.5 (21.7) 43.2 (18.8) 34.8 (20.2) 53.9 (23.9) 41.2 (21.5) 1.20
Clinical characteristics
 BMI group, n (%)b
  Underweight/normal 2,284 (34.0) 11,699 (34.8) 3,400 (34.0) 600 (38.6) 2,524 (35.2) 20,507 (34.8) 6,524 (34.9) 0.02
  Overweight 1,859 (27.7) 9,115 (27.1) 2,564 (25.7) 374 (24.0) 1,740 (24.3) 15,652 (26.5) 4,678 (25.0) 0.06
  Obese 2,141 (31.9) 11,118 (33.1) 3,642 (36.5) 481 (30.9) 2,549 (35.6) 19,931 (33.8) 6,672 (35.7) 0.08
  No answer 431 (6.4) 1,646 (4.9) 381 (3.8) 101 (6.5) 352 (4.9) 2,911 (4.9) 834 (4.5) 0.09
 Total comorbidities, mean (SD)b 3.0 (2.7) 3.6 (2.9) 4.2 (3.1) 4.6 (3.6) 5.1 (3.4) 3.8 (3.1) 4.6 (3.3) 0.52
 PHQ-4, mean (SD)b 2.6 (3.1) 3.9 (3.2) 5.4 (3.4) 6.1 (3.1) 7.0 (3.3) 4.5 (3.5) 6.1 (3.4) 1.00

Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; MIDAS = Migraine Disability Assessment; MIBS-4 = Migraine Interictal Burden Scale-4; MiRS = Migraine-Related Stigma; MSQ-RFR = Migraine Specific Quality of Life v2.1 Role Function-Restrictive; SMD = standardized mean difference.

Minimizing burden/secondary gain/both often/very often column reflects the mean (SD) or percentage when combining the individual columns of minimizing burden often/very often, secondary gain often/very often, and both often/very often.


See eTable 2 ( for full variable description.


All comparisons were significant p < 0.001.