Extended Data Fig. 4. CSB-dependent DPC repair.
(a) Extracts of HeLa WT, ΔCSB and ΔCSB stably expressing Strep-V5-EGFP (SVG)-CSB-WT were analysed by immunoblotting with indicated antibodies. Experiments were independently replicated twice with consistent results. (b) DPC residual ratios in HeLa ΔCSB and ΔCSB stably expressing CSB-WT cells are shown in seven gene length bins with TPM ≥ 100. Means (±s.e.m.) from three independent experiments are shown. Two-sided unpaired t-test. (c) Genome browser snapshot showing DPC-seq signals for HeLa WT and ΔCSB cells treated with formaldehyde. (d) EdU incorporation in HeLa cells synchronised by a double thymidine followed by nocodazole block and release protocol. Data represent the two independent experiments. (e) Metagene profile from DPC-seq within or near transcribed regions of genes with TPM ≥ 30 at 0 and 4 h after formaldehyde washout in WT and ΔCSB HeLa cells synchronised by a double thymidine followed by nocodazole block and release protocol. Data represent the average of three replicates. Source numerical data and unprocessed blots are available in source data.