Fig. 6. Identification of essential transporters and environmental growth limitations in subcutaneous tumours.
a,b, Pools of K562 and A375 transporter CRISPRi/a libraries were injected subcutaneously in the flank of immunodeficient mice. Growth scores were determined from enrichment/depletion of sgRNAs in whole tumour homogenates (n = 4). The red circles represent negative control genes. c,d, A comparison of transporter CRISPRi/a phenotypes in subcutaneous (subQ) tumours to phenotypes in growth culture media identifies condition-specific effects. Pools of cells prepared in a and b were cultured in ABS (100% bovine serum), in HPLM and in RPMI. Data represent all transporters significantly enriched or depleted in at least one condition, and growth scores determined from two replicates were normalized to the most depleted transporter in each screen. ‘#’ highlights transporters discussed in the main text. e,f, Pearson correlation coefficients determined from pairwise comparison of growth scores for enrichments/depletions in c and d and P values were determined using a two-sided test. **: P < 1 × 10−4; ***: P < 1 × 10−6. In a and b, P values were determined using a Mann–Whitney test. In a, c and e, data are from CRISPRi screens. In b,d and f, data are from CRISPRa screens. Source numerical data are available in Source data.