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. 2023 Dec 9;38(3):1872–1891. doi: 10.1111/jvim.16948


Selected demographic characteristics of study populations.

Citation no. Study Breed Total number of horses Sex Age Pre‐study EHV‐1 status Treatments Comments
8 Allen (2008)

Thoroughbred (n = 25)

Mixed breed (n = 11)

36 F 4 to 28 y Unvaccinated during year before study >20 y of age: n = 12 inoculated with EHV‐1 (T953), n = 12 inoculated with EHV‐1 (T262). <15 y of age inoculated with EHV‐1 (T953), n = 12. Experimental trial.
30 Allen and Breathnach (2006) Mixed breed derived from single Standardbred sire 20 F (n = NR), M (n = NR) 7 to 8 mo Seronegative 1 wk before study Ten EHV‐1 isolates were used for foal inoculations—five isolates were considered neuropathogenic (n = 10) five were abortigenic (n = 10). Experimental trial. Data pooled for each viral class.
15 Brosnahan et al. (2010) Multiple breeds 14 CM (n = 8); F (n = 6) 2 to 18 y Negative antibody titer (SN ≤ 1:24) Horses treated with either sigB3/siOri2 siRNA (n = 10) or siLuc control group (n = 4).
42 Burki et al. (1990)

Haflinger (n = 6)

Shetland Pony (n = 3)

Thoroughbred (n = 1)

10 PF (n = 10) 3‐12 y Negative serological titers in sentinel horses during year before experiment Horses vaccinated with either a live or inactivated vaccine. Challenged 3 wk after last vaccination. Only data for PF are included in this review.
16 Edington et al. (1986) Welsh Mtn Ponies 8 F 6 to >18 y NR Mares inoculated with AB4 yearlings with EHV‐1 strain 2252. Two experiments were performed.
Welsh Mtn Ponies 5

F (n = 3)

M (n = 2)

38 Estell et al. (2015)

Quarter Horse (n = 5)

Standardbred (n = 1)

Warmblood (n = 1)


F (n = 4)

MC (n = 1)

M (n = 2)

3 to 15 y Previous exposure (via known outbreak or exposure to new additions at boarding facility) 5/7 horses were treated (eg, flunixin meglumine, steroids, valacyclovir) before referral. Retrospective case series.
3 Gardiner et al. (2012) Ponies (NOS) 11

F (n = 4)

PF (n = 7)

3 y SN titer < 1:32 Ponies were inoculated with either OH03 or Ab4. Two experiments were performed. Mares inoculated at approximately 270‐290 d of gestation.

F (n = 2)

PF (n = 7)

43 Gleeson and Coggins (1980)

Welsh Mtn Ponies (n = 17)

Standardbred (n = 4)

21 PF NR Unvaccinated during year before study, isolated herd for several years with no known epizootic EHV1 infection Horses were inoculated with either Army 183 or KyB. The two studies were conducted over two seasons.
31 Goehring et al. (2010a) Mixed‐breed pony 24

F (n = 12)

M (n = 12)

11‐13 mo Negative SN titers Ponies were vaccinated 3 times and challenge infected on Day 121 of the experiment
34 Goehring et al. (2010b) Standardbred 4 F 14 to 20 y Negative SN titer (between 1:128 and 1:256), negative glycoprotein G Ab (ELISA), negative CF titer (≤1:10) Data from two unexposed controls not included.
17 Goehring et al. (2013) Horses (Western stock) 8 Mixed Yearling SN titer ≤ 1:32 Yearlings were inoculated with Ab4 and aged horses were inoculated with OH03. Two separate experiments were performed with yearlings. Aged horses were part of an antiviral drug study.
Ponies (NOS) 10
Horses (NOS) 10 NR >18 y Negative Ab (EHV‐1 specific glycoprotein G) ELISA (<0.5 absorbance)
32 Goodman et al. (2006) Mixed‐breed (NOS) 15 F 3‐10 y Negative EHV1 neutralization titers (SN < 1:24) Horses (n = 5/group) were allocated to control, inactivated, and modified‐live virus vaccine treatment groups. Challenge occurred 59 d after the initial vaccination.
35 Gryspeerdt et al. (2010) Shetland Pony 12 M 6 mo to 2 y Negative SN titer (<2), negative IPMA (<10) Two viral strains used (03P37, 97P70). Two horses euthanized for tissue virology studies at 1 dpi before onset of fever
18 Heldens et al. (2001) Welsh Mtn Ponies 9 PF 3 y Positive CF and VN antibodies to EHV1 or EHV 4 Vaccine trial using an inactivated vaccine at 5, 7‐9 mo of gestation and challenged 4 wk after last vaccination. Data from foals not included in the review.
19 Holz et al. (2017) Horses (NOS) 25 Mixed Yearling SN titer < 4 (EHV1) SN titer < 40 (EHV4) Multiple viral strains used (Ab4, Ab4 N752, b4 gD4) Multiple viral strains used (Ab4, Ab4 N752, b4 gD4)
20 Hussey et al. (2013) Ponies (NOS) 10 NR NR SN titer < 1:32 Three experimental conditions using different virus strains.
24 NR 9‐18 mo
44 Kydd et al. (2003) Ponies (NOS) 14 PF 3 to 20 y Negative CF antibody titer (1 exception—elevated CF titer present) Some mares were vaccinated with an inactivated vaccine. Mares previously infected with EHV‐1 were challenged 4 wk after last vaccination. Third group (multiply infected horses) not included in the review.
33 Maxwell et al. (2017) Light horse breeds (NOS) 12 F >20 y Seronegative for anti‐EHV‐1 antibodies (ELISA) Therapeutic trial with horses given placebo or prophylactic valacyclovir for 1 or 2 wk. Data from horses given valacyclovir after detection of fever not included.
22 Mumford et al. (1991) Ponies (NOS) 19 PF NR Unknown Vaccinated with immune stimulating complexes. Challenge occurred 3 wk after last vaccination. Two experimental groups: control and mares
21 Mumford et al. (1994) Ponies (NOS) 62

PF (n = 61)

F (n = 1)

NR Isolated and monitored (clinically and serologically) 6 mo before challenge infection. Pre‐challenge VN antibody titers provided for some cohorts (range 10<0.6 to 102.2) Multiple viruses and doses used. Data for different doses were pooled.
45 Patel et al. (2003) Welsh Mtn Ponies 18 PF NR No or low virus neutralizing antibody to EHV‐1 or EHV‐4. Some mares (n = 6/group) were vaccinated at 3.4‐4.1 mo of gestation or between 5.4 and 5.8 mo of gestation. Challenged between 8.4 and 8.9 mo pregnant.
24 Perkins et al. (2013) Horses (NOS) 13

CM (n = 6)

F (n = 7)

3‐20 y Negative antibody titer (SN ≤ 64). Unknown vaccination history Trials with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or an irrelevant siRNA administered before and after infection.
23 Perkins et al. (2019) Icelandic 15 CM (n = 10), F (n = 5) 2.5 y EHV‐1 naïve herd. Horses were initially uninfected (control) or exposed to EHV‐1 (Ab4 or Ab4ΔORF1/71) and then challenged 6 mo later. Data from second challenge extracted.
41 Pusterla et al. (2008)

Thoroughbred (n = 41)

NR (n = 27)

68 NR Adult (NOS) Involved in a reported EHV‐1 outbreak (natural exposure). Three cohorts of horses: febrile (n = 12), neurologic (n = 15), and subclinical (n = 41).
40 Pusterla et al. (2012) Quarter horse (n = 32), draft breeds (n = 30), standardbred (n = 15), others (n = 5) 82

F (n = 34)

CM (n = 48)

3 to 30 y Natural exposure at packing station. Unvaccinated during year before outbreak. Data from mules not included.
39 Pusterla et al. (2021) Warmblood (n = 24), others (n = 7) 31

F (n = 17)

CM (n = 14)

1 to 27 y Natural infection at performance farm discovered during routine dental care and vaccination Horses treated with valacyclovir (n = 31), flunixin meglumine (n = 26) and/or heparin (n = 26).
26 Schnabel et al. (2018) Icelandic 16

F (n = 8)

CM (n = 8)

2 to 4 y Previously infected with EHV‐1 (NY03) at 7 mo. Protective immunity had “waned to values typically observed in EHV‐1 susceptible horses” Used two viruses (Ab4 or Ab4ΔORF2). Data from uninfected control group are not included
25 Schnabel et al. (2019) Icelandic 24

F (12)

M (12)

3‐5 y EHV‐1 naïve herd. Horses were initially uninfected (control) or exposed to EHV‐1 (Ab4 or Ab4ΔORF1/71) and then challenged 9 mo later. Data from second challenge extracted.
36 Soboll et al. (2010) Ponies (NOS) 26 NR 2‐7 y Previously exposed to EHV‐1 > 12 mo ago Ponies were challenge infected 8 wk after the last vaccination. Ponies expressing different MHC I haplotypes were used as well as a recombinant modified vaccine and unvaccinated controls. Clinical scores were derived by allocating 1 point for cough, ocular discharge, nasal discharge, depression, and pyrexia (>38.6°C) and calculating the sum.
37 Sutton et al. (2020) Welsh Mtn Ponies 4 M 10 mo Seronegative for EHV‐1 and EHV‐4, SN and CF assay, no history of EHV infection Experimental trial—no comparator group or dose‐response data (virulence study).
10 Van de Walle et al. (2009) NR 9 NR NR SN antibody titer < 24 Two Ab4 strains used (parental rNY03_N752 of mutant rNY03_D752). Viremia a score of 0: no virus isolated, score = 1:1‐10 plaques using 5 × 106 PBMCs, score = 4: plaques seen using 5 × 103 PBMCs.
27 Wilson et al. (2019) NR 8 Mixed (NOS) Yearling Unvaccinated, EHV‐1 titers ≤ 1:2, EHV‐4 titers ≤ 1:20 Data from controls (uninfected) not included. Total of 11 horses used, staggered start with some controls were exposed to EHV‐1 (n = 8).
28 Wimer et al. (2018) Icelandic ponies 15

F (n = 5)

CM (n = 10)

2.5 y Naïve herd Groups included uninfected (control) or exposed to EHV‐1 (Ab4 or Ab4ΔORF1/71). Data from uninfected controls (n = 5) are not included in the review.
29 Zarski et al. (2021) Mixed breeds (NOS) 7

M (n = 5)

F (n = 2)

2 y SN antibody titer ≤ 1:8 for EHV‐1 Horses received (IN) either a human adenovirus vector expressing the EHV‐1 IR2 protein or a null adenovirus vector 2 d before EHV‐1 challenge. Data were pooled for these groups.

Abbreviations: CF, complement fixing; CM, castrated male (gelding); F, female; IN, intranasal; IPMA, immunoperoxidase monolayer assay; M, male; mo, month; Mtn, mountain; NOS, not otherwise specified; NR, not reported; PF, pregnant female; SN, serum neutralization; VN, virus neutralizing; y, year.