Dsg3 antibody |
Abcam |
Cat # ab231309; RRID: N/A |
E-cadherin antibody |
Abcam |
Cat # ab231303; RRID: AB 2923285 |
Alexa Fluor 647 |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat # A-21235; RRID: N/A |
Alexa Fluor 488 |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat # A-11001; RRID: N/A |
Alexa Fluor 488 Phalloidin |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat # A12379; RRID: N/A |
Anti-Dsg3 antibody (AK23) |
Cat # D218-3; RRID: AB_591236 |
PX4-4 |
This study |
N/A |
PX4-3 |
This study |
N/A |
Anti-TPO |
Novus Biologicals |
Cat # NBP1-50811; RRID: N/A |
AtS13 |
This study |
N/A |
This study |
N/A |
rabbit anti-GFP |
Abcam |
Cat # ab6556; RRID: AB_305564 |
6 nm colloidal gold conjugated goat-anti-rabbit IgG |
Electron Microscopy Sciences |
Cat # 25103; RRID: N/A |
rabbit anti-GFP |
Cell Signaling |
Cat # 2956S; RRID: N/A |
mouse anti-desmoplakin |
Fitzgerald |
Cat # 10R-D108a; RRID: AB 1284113 |
mouse anti-E-cadherin |
BD Biosciences |
Cat # 610181; RRID: AB 397580 |
anti-active RhoA GTP |
NewEast Biosciences |
Cat # 26904; RRID: AB_1961799 |
Biotechne |
Cat # 2807; RRID: N/A |
rabbit anti-RhoA |
Cell Signaling |
Cat # 2117S; RRID: N/A |
mouse anti-GAPDH |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat # SC-32233; RRID: AB_627679 |
HRP-linked anti-mouse IgG |
Jackson Immunoresearch |
Cat # 115-035-166; RRID: AB 2338511 |
HRP-linked anti-rabbit IgG |
Jackson Immunoresearch |
Cat # 111-035-003; RRID: AB 2313567 |
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
Dsg3 tension sensor |
This study |
N/A |
Dsg3 tailless control sensor |
This study |
N/A |
pTriEx-RhoA FRET WT biosensor |
Addgene |
Plasmid #12150; RRID: Addgene_12150 |
LZBob-neo-vector |
Gift from James K. Wahl, III |
N/A |
ROCK Inhibitor (Y27632) |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat # SCM075 |
Y27632 |
Sellect Chemical LLC |
Cat # S1049 |
Rho activator |
Cytoskeleton |
Cat # CN01-A |
Polybrene |
Sigma |
Cat # 28728-55-4 |
G418 |
Invivogen |
Cat # ant-gn-1 |
Aurion Blocking Solution |
Electron Microscopy Sciences |
Cat # 25595 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat # 37520 |
glycine |
Millipore Sigma |
Cat # 410225 |
Tween 20 |
Millipore Sigma |
Cat # P7949 |
protease-inhibitor cocktail |
Sigma Aldrich |
Cat # S8830 |
protein assay dye reagent |
Bio-Rad |
Cat # 5000006 |
ECL chemiluminescence |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat # sc-2048 |
Critical commercial assays
pAdEasy adenoviral vector system |
Agilent |
Cat # 240009 |
MBL (MBL2) Human ELISA Kit |
ThermoFisher |
Cat # EHMBL2 |
Zeba Spin Desalting Columns |
ThermoFisher |
Cat # 89882 |
Pierce Centrifuge column |
ThermoFisher |
Cat # 89896 |
Melon Gel IgG Spin Purification Kit |
ThermoFisher |
Cat # 45206 |
Gel with 0.2 μm fluorescent beads |
Matrigen |
Softview 35/20 Glass |
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
HaCaT cells |
Gift from James K. Wahl, III |
N/A |
293A cells |
ThermoFisher |
Cat # R70507
Phoenix cells |
Gift from James K. Wahl, III |
N/A |
Recombinant DNA
E-cadherin-GFP |
Addgene |
Plasmid # 28009; RRID: Addgene_28009 |
Software and algorithms
MATLAB R2020b |
MathWorks | products/release202 0b.html
Fiji |
GraphPad Prism |
GraphPad Prism 9 |
Zen |
Zeiss |
LASX Office |
Lecia |
ImageLab Software |
Bio-Rad |
Confocal microscope |
Zeiss |
LSM800 |
Inverted Fluorescent microscope |
Leica |
DMi8 |
Leica EM UC6i ultramicrotome |
Leica |
EM UC6i |
Transmission electron microscope |
Jeol |
JEM-1230 |
3D Printer |
Stratasys |
Objet500 Connex3 |
Nanodrop® spectrophotometer |
Thermo Scientific |
Cat # ND2000CLAPTOP |
ChemiDoc imager |
Bio-Rad |
PTFE resin molds |
Ted Pella, Inc. |
Cat # 10509 |
Aclar film |
Ted Pella, Inc. |
Cat # 10501 |
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes |
Bio-Rad |
Cat # 1620177 |