A. An optogenetic approach allowed the targeting of neuronal circuits via direct ACC-BLA projection stimulation. We injected retrograde virus CAV2-Cre into the BLA and AAV-DIO-ChR2-eYFP into the ACC to express ChR2 in ACC neurons that monosynaptically project to the BLA. We identified network connectivity of ACC neurons based on in vivo phototagging, revealing three light-responsive categories: photoidentified, ACC→BLA excited, or ACC→BLA inhibited network.
B. We informed our FEU analysis during habituation and conditioning of social learning with the network identity of ACC neurons.
C. 2-D graphical FED representation of ACC-BLA network cue FEU activity during habituation (left) and conditioning (right) periods of rodent social learning. FEU ensembles contain varying proportions of photoidentified (direct ACC→BLA projectors), excited network, and inhibited network neurons. Lines show the trajectory of individual neurons between FEUs as ensemble activity changes from habituation to conditioning during learning.
D. Average cue Jump parameter for photo-identified, excited, and inhibited networks during habituation and conditioning of social learning. Neurons in excited networks have higher average cue Jump parameters than inhibited network neurons during habituation and conditioning (Welch’s ANOVA; W (DFn, DFd) = 5.911 (5.000, 42.58), ***p< 0.0003, Dunnett’s post-test; excited-hab vs inhibited-hab, **p = 0.0030; excited-cond vs inhibited-cond, *p = 0.0286).
E. Average cue Phasicity for photoidentified, excited, and inhibited networks during habituation and conditioning of social learning. The inhibited network shows a significantly higher average cue Phasicity during the conditioning period of social learning than habituation. (Welch’s ANOVA; W (DFn, DFd) = 4.499 (5.000, 43.45), **p=0.0022, Dunnett’s post-test; inhibited-hab vs inhibited-cond, **p = 0.0194).