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[Preprint]. 2024 May 11:2024.05.10.593625. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.05.10.593625

Figure 7. DNA displacement on the entry side is reduced when the LLD patch of Arp5 is mutated.

Figure 7.

(A-D) The extent of DNA moves (A-B) 32 bp on the exit and (D-C) 20 bp on the entry side is plotted versus time using a photoreactive probe attached to residue 53 of histone H2B for wild type (open triangle), mutant (mut)-DBD (closed square) and mutant (mut)-LLD (open circle) Arp5 complexes. The same symbols are also used in (E-F). In (C-D) the reactions are monitored for longer times. (E) The rate at which the initial DNA position disappears is shown for wild type and mutant Arp5 as in (A-D). (F) The net loss of DNA crosslinking on the entry side is plotted versus time similar to (A-D). Three replicates are performed for each condition and error bars represent the mean ± SD.