Fig. 10.
Mean difference reconstructed short-axis image between defect-absent and defect-present hypotheses for (a) normal-dose, (b) low-dose, (c) TADL, and (d) DEMIST. The images in (a)–(d) are windowed to a region centered to the defect centroid. (e) Line profile of the mean difference reconstructed image of (a)–(d). The red dashed lines in (a) represent the lines along which the profiles are drawn. (f) Mean difference channel vector between defect-absent and defect-present hypotheses for various approaches. (g) Absolute value of coefficient and (h) eigenvalue spectra of noise covariance matrix. Low-dose level was set to 6.25% (Defect type 1: 60° extent, 25% severity and anterior wall defect. Defect type 2: 45° extent, 25% severity and inferior wall defect).