Fig. 2.
Observational and causal associations between traits and LTL. Estimates (x-axis) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for traits (y-axis) with at least one strictly significant () association with LTL across the observational correlation (linear regression; ; black) and inverse-variance weighted (IVW) Mendelian randomization (MR) estimates of LTL on trait (; red) and trait on LTL (; blue) are shown. Strictly significant effects are shown as full circles; otherwise as empty circles. Traits are colored according to their MR effects, with red, blue, or purple indicating a significant LTL to trait, trait to LTL, or bidirectional effect. For diseases (*), one standard deviation () change in LTL corresponds to one change, implying a scale of for the effects of diseases on LTL, and for the effect of LTL on the disease, so that observational effects and MR effects are not directly comparable (Additional file 2: Table S2)