Fig. 4.
Impact of mouthrinse use on different classifications of bacteria in the supragingival plaque of subjects with moderate gingivitis. A Heatmap showing changes in the abundance of individual bacterial species in supragingival plaque of subjects with moderate gingivitis at different time points compared to baseline. Baseline abundance values represent the initial number of bacterial cells at the start of the study expressed as means of log10 CMUs. Changes in bacterial cell numbers are expressed as means of paired differences in log10 CMUs at each time point compared to baseline. B Abundance values represent means of total CMUs from bacterial species that are oral commensals or are C associated with gingivitis, D volatile-sulfur compound − producing, E or acidogenic. Subjects with active caries or grossly carious lesions were not included in this trial. Error bars denote the standard error of the mean. ACPM alcohol-containing prototype mouthrinse, AFPM alcohol-free prototype mouthrinse, LCM LISTERINE COOL MINT Antiseptic mouthrinse, D0 Day 0/baseline, W week, 4–6 H 4–6 h after dental prophylaxis and mouthrinse use; W week. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 (mixed model repeated measures with baseline covariate and terms for treatment, visit, treatment-by-visit, and baseline-by-visit)