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. 2024 May 17;14(5):e081563. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081563

Table 2.

The STEPS process evaluation components and methodology

Description Data collected Method of evaluation
Reach The extent to which the intervention reached the intended participants as outlined above in criteria. Data capture via a secure web platform (SE) including age, ethnic origin, education and income of parents and age, gender and ethnicity of child collected at baseline. Basic statistics including means, ranges and SD. Attrition rates to be calculated at each timepoint.
Dose Level of intervention delivered and received. STEPS app data downloaded via the application developers Bitjam. STEPS usage data including time spent per step before moving on to the next one, time spent within each step and number of steps completed. Mean times, ranges and SD will be calculated.
Fidelity Was the intervention delivered as intended including exploring adaptations or changes made during the study? Data captured via a secure web platform (SE) on trial expectations.
Recordings and minutes from regular PPI panel meetings.
Participant feedback on app communication/support.
Trial expectations collected at baseline as multiple choice and free text boxes.
PPI panel feedback on suggestions for change/adaptations.
Participant responses to support material provided throughout the app usage (written instructions/video guides).
Impact Did the intervention produce change? If so, how? Parent and clinician interviews.
Quantitative data exploring changes in outcome measures (ODD) between timepoints 1 and 2.
30–45 min parent interviews on the experiences of using the STEPS app including technology, engagement with the steps, effect on child behaviour and suggestions of adaptions to the app (see online supplemental appendix B). Interviews with clinicians on any noticed effects on patients if applicable, barriers to use within the service and suggestions on effective implementation.
SNAP-IV ODD subscales measured at baseline and 3 months
Context External factors influencing change in parent and/or child behaviour and intervention uptake. Parent interviews exploring changes in child behaviour. Interviews as above.

ODD, oppositional defiance disorder; PPI, patient and public involvement; SE, sealed envelope; SNAP IV O, Swanson Nolan and Pelham Rating Scale (oppositional problems)20 21; STEPS, Structured E-Parenting Support.