Figure 8.
Characteristic CT (A–E, G) and endoscopy (F) findings in patients with A + B) oesophageal perforation, C + D) atrio-oesophageal fistula, E) oesophago-pericardial fistula, and F + G) perforating oesophageal ulcer. A) Air in mediastinum (red circle) with exit of water-soluble oral contrast into the mediastinum, B) i.v. contrast and documentation of air in mediastinum (red circle), C and D) air in mediastinum (red circle) and air and thrombus in the left atrium (arrow), E) i.v. contrast and identification of air in mediastinum (red circle) and pericardium (green circle), F) endoscopic finding 5 days after PV isolation with perforated oesophageal ulcer (yellow square), and G) corresponding CT with air in mediastinum (red circle). CT, computed tomography; PV, pulmonary vein.