Fig. 5.
Efficiently multiple genes base editing in porcine parthenogenesis embryo and porcine fibroblasts with AncBE4max. a Representative sequencing chromatograms at the GGTA1, B4galNT2, and CMAH targets of WT and three gene-edited porcine blastocysts. Target sequence (black), PAM region (blue), target sites (red), and mutant amino acid (bold and italic). b The blastocysts of un-injected blastocysts and the blastocysts which injected three gene sgRNAs plus BE4-Gam or AncBE4max simultaneously. The blastocysts were stained with DAPI, and the nucleus in the blastocyst is shown in blue dots. c Representative sequencing chromatograms at the GGTA1, B4galNT2, and CMAH targets of WT and Bama miniature PFFs after transfected three gene sgRNAs and BE4-Gam express plasmid. Target amino acid is indicated by red box. d The efficiency comparison of target base conversion between BE4-Gam and AncBE4max