Abundance of C-depleted (panel a) and CFYWH-depleted proteins (panel b) in the three domains of life and among the structurally solved proteins from PDB. The blue, red, and green bars show the median per-proteome fraction of C-/CFYWH-depleted proteins among the 64 Archaean, 552 Bacterial, and 201 eukaryotic organisms, respectively. The whiskers denote the first and third quartiles of these per-proteome fractions. Statistical significance of the differences for the per-proteome values between domains of life was assessed with the Wilcoxon test for unpaired data; distributions of the measured values are not normal. The black, dark gray and light gray bars show the fraction of the C-/CFYWH-depleted proteins among wild-type proteins chains from PDB (PDB data set), wild-type PDB proteins that interact with nucleic acids (PDB NA data set) and wild-type PDB monomers (PDB monomers data set), respectively