Fig. 3.
Multiparametric analysis of the intrinsic disorder predisposition of the CFYWH- and FYWH-depleted proteins found in PDB by several common predictors of intrinsic disorder: PONDR® VLXT [7] (black curves), PONDR® VL3 [94] (red curves), PONDR® VSL2 [96] (green curves), IUPred_short [96] (yellow curves), IUPred_long [96] (blue curves), and PONDR® FIT [97] (pink curves). Dark cyan dashed line shows the mean disorder propensity calculated by averaging disorder profiles of individual predictors. Light pink shadow around the PONDR® FIT shows error distribution for this predictor, whereas light cyan shadow around the mean disorder curve shows error distribution for evaluation of mean disorder. In these analyses, the predicted intrinsic disorder scores above 0.5 are considered to correspond to the disordered residues/regions, whereas regions with the disorder scores between 0.2 and 0.5 are considered flexible. Analyzed proteins were a BCCP (residues 1–9/49–123 of UniProt ID: 02904); b molbindin-2 (UniProt ID: P08854); c 40S ribosomal protein S33 from Trypanosoma brucei (UniProt ID: Q57U30); d 30S ribosomal protein S28E from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (UniProt ID: O26356); e 40S ribosomal protein rpS28e from Tetrahymena thermophila (UniProt ID: Q234G5); f pulmonary surfactant-associated polypeptide C (UniProt ID: P15785); and g metallothionein-2 (UniProt ID: P04355)