Fig. 4.
Neuroanatomical analysis in the Snx-3 mutant. a Structure of AIY interneuron in wild-type strain (OH3701) and in the Δsnx-3 mutant strain (OH3701::tm1595). Representation of the maximal projections, of the 3D-reconstitutions, of the AIY neuronal structure (Wt, and two examples of the snx-3 mutant). b Quantification of the angle formed by the neuronal processes of the AIY interneuron. Data was analyzed using Student’s t test; mean ± SEM are represented. Clearly, both structures are distinct, namely, in what concerns the angle formed by its neuronal processes closer to the cell bodies, which is significantly smaller in the Δsnx-3 mutant strain. c GABAergic neurons of Δsnx-3 mutant (blue) comparing to the schematic representation of the GABAergic wild-type neurons. Depletion of snx-3 impacts significantly on GABAergic neuronal wiring. d Quantification of GABAergic neuronal defects observed in > 15 animals per strain (Chi square test). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001