D2A and GEEG peptides are equipotent in stimulating cell proliferation. a, b Time-course experiments showing the effects of optimal dose (100 pM) of peptides D2A, GEEG, scrambled D2A (Scr. D2A) and GAAG on proliferation of HT-29 (a) and HT-1080 (b) cells. Cell proliferation was enhanced to similar levels by D2A and GEEG peptides, whereas scrambled D2A and GAAG peptides harbouring no GEEG sequence failed to promote cell proliferation. Number of cells cultured in serum-free media without peptide is referred to as 100% proliferation (control). Data are the mean ± SD from three experiments. The conditions 10% FCS, D2A, GEEG are significantly different (a
p < 0.01; b
p < 0.05) from control as determined by ANOVA test