Fig. 5.
PGC-1α overexpression during lactation does not affect milk quality. Analysis of WT and mmtvPGC-1α mammary glands from lactating females on day 10 of lactation shows that PGC-1α overexpression is preserved in transgenic mice during lactation. a H&E staining (left) and PGC-1α immunohistochemistry (right) of mammary glands sections from WT and mmtvPGC-1α female mice on 10th day of lactation. b Relative expression of human PGC-1α in lactating mammary glands evaluated by real time qPCR demonstrating that the transgene is not lost during lactation. TBP was used as housekeeping gene to normalize data and WT mice was used as calibrators c COX1 immunohistochemistry of mammary glands sections from WT and mmtvPGC-1α female mice on 10th day of lactation. d Relative expression of PGC-1α target genes, Tfam and Pepck, in lactating mammary glands evaluated by real-time qPCR. TBP was used as housekeeping gene. e A 12% SDS–polyacrylamide gel analysis of different types of casein in milk derived from lactating WT and mmtvPGC-1α mice. The sizes of the protein molecular weight markers are indicated in lane 1. f Fatty acids composition of milk harvested from lactating WT and mmtvPGC-1α females. Fatty acids were analyzed as fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) by gas–liquid chromatography. Comparison of WT and transgenic mice (n = 6, 7) was performed using Mann–Whitney U test. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (*p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001)