Fig. 6. Blood proteome comparison from plasma samples using the NanoOmics enrichment pipeline.
a, Heat map of normalized abundance values of all corona proteins identified by LC-MS/MS in samples collected before and after exposure to s-GO (left) and us-GO (right). A total of 692 (772) corona proteins were identified in s-GO (us-GO) exposure samples. Protein columns are sorted according to the abundance values (from highest to lowest) of the first sample. b, Volcano plots displaying the differential abundance of significantly different proteins before and after exposure to s-GO and us-GO (top) and between GO exposure groups and air at 6 h (bottom). Blue data points represent downregulated proteins and red data point upregulated proteins. The n values shown are from biologically independent samples. Filled dots represent the n = 1 common differentially abundant protein (SRI) between the two time points. The peptide intensities were compared between groups by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Only proteins with P < 0.05 are shown.