Fig. 1. BRCA1 E3 activity is not required for homologous recombination.
a Clonogenic survival assay of Parental and BRCA1-KO cells complemented or not with either BRCA1-WT-GFP or BRCA1-I26A-GFP in response to different concentrations of Olaparib. Average and standard deviation of three independent experiments with three technical repeats are depicted (N = 3). b, c Immunofluorescence analysis Parental and BRCA1-KO cells complemented or nor with either BRCA1-WT-GFP or BRCA1-I26A-GFP after exposure to 10 Gy IR. Representative images (b) and quantification (c) of cells with RAD51 focus is shown. Size bars in fluorescence microscopy images represent 10 µm. Data corresponds to three independent experiments which value is shown by an orange, green or blue circle respectively. Average and Standard Deviation is shown. Unpaired two-sided t-tests were performed with p values shown in the figure (d) Cartoon depicting BARD1-TULIP2 rationale. e Analysis by immunoblotting of BARD1-TULIP2 samples. This analysis was performed for two out of four of the samples prior to LC-MS/MS analysis. f–h. Volcano plots depicting differences between each of the specified BARD1-TULIP2 constructs. P value corresponds to unpaired two-sided t-tests. Histones H2A and macro-H2A and PCNA are labeled. Each dot represents a protein from Supplementary Data 2. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.