Figure 3.
Classifier feature analysis using a discriminative attribution method
(A) Example translations of real synapse images to fake counterfactual images. Highlights show attribution masks indicating the most important changes between the two classes. Classifier scores are shown above each image. Left, two columns show the translation of real GABA synapses into counterfactual octopamine synapses. Right, same as left but for octopamine to GABA.
(B) Same as (A) but for GABA-acetylcholine.
(C) Pairwise differences between transmitters, found through manual inspection of real and counterfactual images. Dense core vesicles, DCVs; postsynaptic densities, PSDs.
(D) Normalized density plot showing the distribution of cleft intensity among original synapse images. Number of annotated synapses: acetylcholine 84, glutamate 61, GABA 74.
(E) Same as (C) for T-bar intensities. Number of annotated synapses: acetylcholine 85, glutamate 62, GABA 75.
(F) Same as (C) for vesicle sizes. Number of annotated vesicles: acetylcholine 1,729, glutamate 1,153, GABA 1,382. Vertical dashed line, median value. Colored boxes with stars indicate statistical comparisons, Wilcoxon tests. Note that the vesicle size comparison assumes that vesicle sizes from the same synapses are conditionally independent given the transmitter (n.s., not significant; ∗p ≤ 0.05; ∗∗p ≤ 0.001; ∗∗∗∗p ≤ 0.00001).