a–c Intrastriatal aminochrome administration decreased basal dopamine extracellular levels but not GABA and glutamate levels. a Striatal dopamine extracellular levels, b GABA extracellular levels and c glutamate extracellular levels in animals treated with 1.6 nmol of aminochrome intrastriatum (black bars) and respective controls (gray bars). Dopamine basal levels are expressed in fmol/µl while GABA and glutamate are expressed in pmol/µl. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 4, unpaired t test was used to determine significant differences (*P < 0.05). d–f Intrastriatal aminochrome administration decreased depolarization-induced dopamine and increased GABA extracellular levels but not glutamate levels. d–f The time course of DA, GABA and glutamate extracellular levels in animals treated with 1.6 nmol of aminochrome intrastriatum (open diamonds) and respective controls (filled diamonds). Thirty minutes after beginning the collection of samples a KRP solution containing 70 mM K+ was perfused through the dialysis probe during 10 min (n = 4 per group) to induce the release of DA, GABA and Glutamate. Two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post test for multiple comparison was used to compare the effect of K+ 70 mM depolarization in control versus aminochrome-treated animals (*P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 K+ stimulus-aminochrome group vs. K+ stimulus-sham group). Values are expressed as % of basal levels (mean ± SEM); n = 4, independent experiments