Table 1.
Core components and regulators of the EGFR signalling pathway in the Drosophila eye
Fly gene Name | Symbol | Also known as | Cellular location | Function | Reference |
Core components | |||||
Epidermal growth factor receptor | Egfr | DER, torpedo, fib | Plasma membrane | RTK | [1] |
spitz | spi | Secreted | Ligand | [8] | |
Keren | Krn | Secreted | Ligand | [9] | |
downstream of receptor kinase | drk | GRB2 | Cytoplasm | Adaptor protein | [12] |
SHC adaptor protein | Shc | Cytoplasm | Adaptor protein | [13] | |
Son of sevenless | Sos | Cytoplasm | GEF | [14] | |
Ras oncogene at 85D | Ras85D | Ras, Ras1 | Cytoplasm | small GTPase | [15] |
Raf oncogene | Raf | pole hole | Cytoplasm | Protein kinase | [18] |
Downstream of raf1 | Dsor1 | MAPKK, MEK | Cytoplasm | Protein kinase | [19] |
rolled | rl | MAPK, ERK | Cytoplasm | Conventional MAPK | [20] |
pointed | pnt | Nucleus | ETS transcriptional activator | [21] | |
Positive regulators | |||||
rhomboid | rho | Rho-1 | Golgi/endosome | Protease for Spitz cleavage | [42, 44] |
roughoid | ru | Rho-3 | Golgi/endosome/ER | Protease for Spitz cleavage | [50] |
Star | S | ER/Golgi | Chaperone | [46] | |
rasp | rasp | skl, sit | Golgi | Palmitoyltransferase | [43] |
kinase suppressor of Ras | ksr | KSR-1 | Cytoplasm | Scaffolding protein, protein kinase | [58] |
connector enhancer of ksr | enk | Cytoplasm | Raf activator/inhibitor | [61] | |
aveugle | ave | HYP | Cytoplasm | Raf activator | [63, 64] |
steppke | step | Grp1 | Cytoplasm | Arf GEF | [66] |
corkscrew | csw | SHP2 | Cytoplasm | Tyrosine phosphatase | [68] |
mago nashi | mago | Nucleus | MAPK premRNA splicing | [57] | |
myopic | mop | Endosome | Endocytic pathway | [38] | |
Hepatocyte growth factor regulated tyrosine kinase substrate | Hrs | vps27 | Endosome | Endocytic pathway | [38] |
Vacuolar protein sorting 4 | Vps4 | SKD1 | MVB (cytoplasm ?) | unclear | [33] |
nejire | nej | CBP/p300 | Nucleus | Acetyl transferase | [101] |
Negative regulators | |||||
Argos | Aos | secreted | Ligand inhibitor | [70] | |
kekkon-1 | kek1 | Transmembrane | Egfr binding | [76] | |
Neuroglian | Nrg | Transmembrane | Ed binding | [79] | |
echinoid | ed | Transmembrane | Egfr binding | [78] | |
Fasciclin2 | Fas2 | Transmembrane | unclear | [80] | |
sprouty | sty | Spry | Cytoplasm | Protein interaction, endocytosis | [81, 82] |
Ras GTPase activating protein 1 | Gap1 | gap1, rasGAP | Cytoplasm | Negative regulator of Ras85D | [83] |
Rho GTPase activating protein at 5A | RhoGAP5A | Cytoplasm | Rho GTPase activator | [85] | |
vav ortholog (H. sapiens) | vav | Cytoplasm | Rho GTPase GEF | [88] | |
Cbl proto-oncogene ortholog | Cbl | Cytoplasm | Endocytosis | [34] | |
shibire | shi | dynamin | Cytoplasm | Endocytosis | [31] |
small wing | sl | PLCc | Cytoplasm | cSpitz retention in ER | [54] |
rhomboid-5 | rho-5 | iRhom | Spitz degradation through ERAD | [45] | |
klumpfuss | klu | Nucleus | Transcription factor | [93] | |
Hairless | H | Nucleus | Transcriptional repressor | [95] | |
capicua | cic | Nucleus | Transcriptional repressor | [99] | |
anterior open | aop | Yan | Nucleus | ETS transcriptional repressor | [97] |