shRNA-mediated silencing of Katnal2 causes a battery of aberrant phenotypes (II). a1–a4 Aberrant cytokinesis in silenced cells: a persistent chromatin bridge (yellow arrowheads) is visible between two cells with anomalous multi-lobed nuclei (pink arrowheads), which are still linked through a cytoplasmic connection despite being at an advanced stage of cytokinesis. Pronounced and persistent MT bundles, revealed by α-tub labeling and also visible with γ-tub staining, can be observed at the midbody (blue arrowheads). DNA labeling in blue. The dividing cells are unequal in size (the field does not contain the entirety of the cells) and unusually shaped. b1–b4 Another example of aberrant cytokinesis of multicentrioled dividing cells, linked with a double chromatin bridge (yellow arrowheads) and persistent and elaborate MTs at the midbody (α-tub), also immunoreactive for γ-tub (blue arrowheads). In the inset of b3 shown is a normal, wild-type cell for comparison of cytokinesis and midbody MT organization (overlay of α-tub in red and DNA in blue). c1–c4 An excessively overcentrioled cell (>12 centrioles) with an anomalous enlarged nucleus harboring a large hole that is traversed by a bundle of MTs (blurred in the image as they are on a different focal plane). In all panels, cells were immunostained for α-tub (red), γ-tub (green) and counterstained for DNA (blue). Scale bars 10 μm