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. 2024 Apr 30;27(6):109860. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109860

Mouse anti-Tom20 Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-17764; RRID: AB_628381
Rabbit anti-Tom20 Cell Signaling Technology Cat#42406S; RRID: AB_2687663
Rabbit anti-LC3 Cell Signaling Technology Cat#2775S; RRID: AB_915950
Rabbit anti-LC3 Novus Biologicals Cat# NB100-2220
Mouse anti-LAMP1 Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#SC20011; RRID: AB_626853
Rabbit anti-PDI Cell Signaling Technology Cat#3501S; RRID: AB_2156433
Rabbit anti-GM130 Cell Signaling Technology Cat#12480S; RRID: AB_2797933
Mouse anti-GAPDH Millipore Sigma Cat# MAB374; RRID: AB_2107445
Rabbit anti-CerS1 Novus Biologicals Cat# NBP1-59733
Mouse anti-Ceramide Enzo Life Sciences Cat# ALX-804-196-T050; RRID: AB_2051116
Mouse anti-S100A10 Invitrogen Cat# MA5-24769
Rabbit anti-P-Y-1000 MultiMab Cell Signaling Technology Cat#8954S; RRID: AB_2687925
Mouse anti-Tim23 ThermoFisher Cat#67535-1-IG
Rabbit anti-ANXA2 ProteinTech Cat#11256-1-AP; RRID: AB_2057311
Mouse anti-ANXA2 ProteinTech Cat#60051-1-IG; RRID: AB_2057309
Mouse anti-V5-tag Invitrogen Cat#37-7500
Rabbit anti-V5-tag Cell Signaling Technology Cat#13202; RRID: AB_2687461
Rabbit anti-DYKDDDDK (FLAG)-tag Cell Signaling Technology Cat#14793S; RRID: AB_2572291
Mouse anti-DYKDDDDK (FLAG)-tag Cell Signaling Technology Cat#8146S; RRID: AB_10950495
Rabbit anti-Actin Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A2066; RRID: AB_476693
Mouse Normal IgG Millipore Sigma Cat#12–371; RRID: AB_145840
Rabbit Normal IgG Millipore Sigma Cat#12–370; RRID: AB_145841
Rabbit/Mouse Anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis Dr. Özlem Yilmaz lab Lee et al.6,25
Rabbit anti-FimA Dr. Özlem Yilmaz lab Yilmaz et al.13
Rabbit anti-Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) Dr. Özlem Yilmaz lab Atanasova et al.17
Rabbit HRP-conjugated secondary antibody Cell Signaling Technology Cat#7074; RRID: AB 2099233

Bacterial and virus strains

Porphyromonas gingivalis 33277 strain ATCC Cat#33277
Porphyromonas gingivalis ΔfimA mutant of 33277 strain Dr. Özlem Yilmaz lab Yilmaz et al.13
Porphyromonas gingivalis Δndk mutant and Δndk- complemented 33277 strains Dr. Özlem Yilmaz lab Yilmaz et al.13

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

LCL768 Laboratory of Zdzislaw Szulc N/A
Rapamycin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#R0395
Sodium Selenite Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#18-613-846
Ethanol absolute (200 proof) Koptec Cat#64-17-5
DMEM Cytiva Cat# SH30243.01
PBS pH 7.4 (1x) Gibco Cat# 10010-023
Fetal Bovine Serum Avantor Cat # 97068-085
MEM Non-essential Amino Acids (100X) Gibco Cat#11140050
Penicillin-Streptomycin (100X) Corning Cat # 30-002-CI
PlasmocinTM Prophylactic InvivoGen Cat# ant-mpp
0.05% trypsin-0.02% EDTA Corning Cat# 25-052-CI
Trypan Blue solution MilliporeSigma Cat# T8154
MTT Cell Proliferation Assay ATCC 30-1010K
4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) Boster Cat# AR1068
G418 InvivoGen Cat#ant-gn-1
Puromycin InvivoGen Cat#ant-pr-1
Polyethylenimine (PEI, 1 mg/mL) Laboratory of Besim Ogretmen N/A
Effectene transfection reagent Qiagen Cat#301425
Polybrene Sigma-Aldrich Cat#TR-1003-G
4X Laemmli Dye Laboratory of Besim Ogretmen N/A
Pierce RIPA buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 89900
Pierce IP Lysis Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 87787
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Sigma-Aldrich Cat# P8340
HALT Phosphatase Inhibitor ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# 78428
SuperSignal™ West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 34580
Protein Assay Dye Reagent Bio-Rad Cat#5000006
Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standard Bio-Rad Cat#1610374
Magnetic SureBeads protein A or G Bio-Rad Cat#1614833
Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) Membrane Cytivia Cat#10600021
1X Tris-Glycine Transfer Buffer Novex Cat#LC3675
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A7906-500G
Saponin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A18820.14
Pierce Silver Stain Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#24612
Bio-Safe Coomassie Brilliant Blue Bio-Rad Cat #1610786
Duolink in situ hybridization Sigma-Aldrich Cat#DUO92101
Antigen Unmasking Solution, Citrate-Based (pH 6.0) Vector Laboratories Cat# H-3300
Vectashield Antifade Mounting Media with DAPI Vector Laboratories Cat#H-1200-10
Duolink In Situ PLA Probe Millipore Sigma Cat# DUO92002
MtPhagy Dye Dojindo Cat#MT02
LysoTracker Green Dye Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#L7526
QuikChange XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis kit Agilent Technologies Cat#200516
Sulfamethoxazole Thermo Fisher Cat#S036125G
Trimethoprim Thermo Fisher Cat#AC455120050 Cat#C5678-500G
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) MilliporeSigma N/A
Human recombinant ANXA2 protein R&D Systems Cat#9409-AN-050
Porphyromonas gingivalis recombinant FimA protein Laboratory of Dr. Özlem Yilmaz Yilmaz et al.13
Porphyromonas gingivalis recombinant NDK protein Laboratory of Dr. Özlem Yilmaz Atanasova et al.17
Pierce Protein Transfection Reagent Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#89850
DPBS Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#28344

Critical commercial assays

Mitochondrial Isolation Kit for Cultured Cells Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#89874
DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit Qiagen Cat#69506

Deposited data

Original, uncropped western blot image files
Proteomics data ProteomeXchange PXD051568

Experimental models: Cell lines

Human: UMSCC1A Millipore Sigma Cat#SCC070
Human: UMSCC22A Millipore Sigma Cat#SCC076
Human: 293T ATCC Cat# CRL-3216
Mouse: MOC2 Kerafast Cat# EWL002-FP
Human: UMSCC47 Millipore Sigma Cat#SCC071
Human: UMSCC104 Millipore Sigma Cat#SCC072
Human: SCC152 ATCC Cat# CRL-3240

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: C57BL/6J The Jackson Laboratory Strain#000664; RRID:IMSR_JAX:000664
Mouse: Nu/J The Jackson Laboratory Strain#002019; RRID:IMSR_JAX:002019


Human E142A ANXA2 Forward Primer
Integrated DNA Technologies, IDT N/A
Human E142A ANXA2 Reverse Primer
Integrated DNA Technologies, IDT N/A
Human K49A LC3 Forward Primer
Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen N/A
Human K49A LC3 Reverse Primer
Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen N/A
Human F52A LC3 Primers Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen Dany et al.27
Human G120A LC3 Primers Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen Dany et al.27
P. gingivalis 16S rRNA FISH Probe
Laboratory of Dr. Özlem Yilmaz Lee et al.6

Recombinant DNA

ANXA2 Human shRNA Millipore Sigma TRCN0000056145 (Clone ID), 302 (Gene ID), NM_001002857 (RefSeq), pLKO.1 vector
LC3 Human shRNA Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen Dany et al.27
CerS1 Human shRNA Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen Olenik et al.26
psPAX2 Lentiviral Packaging Plasmid Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen Addgene plasmid #12260,, RRID:12260
pMD2.G VSV-G Envelope Expressing Plasmid Laboratory of Dr. Besim Ogretmen Addgene plasmid #12259,, RRID:12259
pHAGE-mt-mKeima Laboratory of Dr. Richard Youle Addgene plasmid #131626,, RRID:131626

Software and algorithms

ImageJ Version 1.54days NIH Image
Fiji NIH Image
Prism 8.0.1 GraphPad
BioRender BioRender
Duolink Image Tool Software Olink Bioscience N/A
FV10i Olympus Corp. FV10-ASW