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. 2024 May 21;11(5):e2170. doi: 10.1002/nop2.2170


Employment and work‐related characteristics of the health workers.

Variables N n (%)
Employment status 513
Employed 472 (92.0%)
Unemployed 41 (8.0%)
Region of current practice 479
North Central 61 (12.7%)
North East 43 (9.0%)
North West 67 (14.0%)
South East 12 (2.5%)
South South 28 (5.8%)
South West 268 (55.9%)
Work setting 483
NGO/Others 72 (14.9%)
Private 64 (13.3%)
Primary 22 (4.6%)
Secondary 72 (14.9%)
Tertiary 253 (52.4%)
Duration of practice 507
1–5 150 (29.6%)
6–10 126 (24.9%)
11–15 89 (17.6%)
16–20 55 (10.8%)
>20 87 (17.2%)
Duration of practice mean (SD) 507 12.0 (9.5)
Work hours per day 499
1–8 h 290 (58.1%)
>8 h 209 (41.9%)
Work hours per day mean (SD) 499 9.3 (2.9)
Burnout 513
Never 51 (9.9%)
A few times a year or less 81 (15.8%)
Once a month or less 32 (6.2%)
A few times a month 116 (22.6%)
Once a week 12 (2.3%)
A few times a week 119 (23.2%)
Every day 102 (19.9%)
Job satisfaction 513
Extremely dissatisfied 34 (6.6%)
Dissatisfied 70 (13.6%)
Somewhat dissatisfied 100 (19.5%)
Neutral 101 (19.7%)
Somewhat satisfied 104 (20.3%)
Satisfied 93 (18.1%)
Extremely satisfied 11 (2.1%)