Figure 6. Effect of PELO on CEBPA translation depends on uORF and intercistronic spacer length.
(A) Schematic of CEBPA uORF. (B) Flow cytometry measurements of intercistronic spacer reporters. (C) Flow cytometry measurements of green/red ratio in control cells stably expressing each spacer reporter, n = 3 (left). Difference in median green/red ratio induced by CRISPRi knockdown, relative to nontargeting sgRNA in CEBPA spacer variant reporters (two-sided t test; *: < 0.05) (right). (D) As in (B), for uORF length variants. (E) As in (C), for uORF length variants (**: < 0.01 and ***: < 0.001). (F) As in (B), for CEBPB-derived reporter variants. (G) As in (C), for CEBPB-derived reporter variants (***: < 0.001 and ****: < 0.0001).