Figure 6: Representative images of microgels.
(A) Fluorescent confocal image of microgel population A, (B) image of thresholded microgels, and (C) particle outlines after ImageJ analysis. (D) Fluorescent confocal image of microgel population B and (E) transmitted light image of microgels (microgels are nearly translucent). (F) Depiction of representative results from the ImageJ analysis outlined in this protocol. Both microgel populations have relatively monodisperse PDIs. Both populations of microgels were synthesized with a 3 mL/h aqueous flow rate and a 6 mL/h oil flow rate. However, the difference in microgel size is due to differences in microfluidic device step size. For example, microgel population A was synthesized with a microfluidic device with a channel step size of 11 µm, and microgel population B was synthesized in a device with a step size of 40 µm. Scale bars = 100 µm. Abbreviation: PDI = polydispersity index.