Figure 17.
Examples of studies designed to analyze intracellular contents. (A) Longitudinal analysis of intracellular caspase-3 enzyme at four sampling points.159 Enzymes were extracted from HeLa cells in a staurosporine solution and analyzed using a caspase-3 colorimetric assay kit. (B) Repetitive enzyme sampling and mass spectroscopy measurement of the same cells using a removable SAMDI slide. Reproduced with permission from ref 138. Copyright 2020 John Wiley and Sons. (C) Schematic of electromechanical bacteria lysis by electroconvective vortices.322 Drag forces caused bacteria to migrate toward the cathode, where conditions were sufficiently harsh for irreversible EP. (D) Single-cell lysis and RNA extraction in a cross chamber using ITP.330 Due to the electrode positions, cell 1 (left channel) was lysed whereas cell 2 in the lower channel was not.