Extended Data Fig. 3. 2130-1-0114-112 is potent in focus reduction neutralization tests with authentic virus in Vero-TMPRSS2 cells.
a-i, 2130-1-0114-112 potently neutralizes (a) WA1/2020 D614G (b) Delta B.1.617.2, (c) Omicron BA.1, (d) Omicron BA.1.1, (e) Omicron BA.2, (f) Omicron BA.2.12.1, (g) Omicron BA.4, (h) Omicron BA.5, and (i) Omicron BA.5.5 authentic viruses in focus reduction neutralization assays in Vero-TMPRSS2 cells. Symbols indicate the values of two technical replicates; curves are 4-parameter logistic regression models fit of normalized data. j, IC50 values and 95% confidence intervals corresponding to a-i. “>” indicates IC50 values > 10,000; “NC” indicates fits that were unconverged, unstable, or with positive hill slope. Analyses were performed in GraphPad Prism.