Fig. 3. Analysis of MPS blockade efficiency.
a–g Increase in half-life time (t1/2) of tracer nanoparticles after the induction of the MPS blockade. Red line indicates median efficiency derived from all data sets and equals to 2.3-fold increase. h Decrease of the MPS blockade efficiency over time after the administration of blocking particles. Each connected line shows a separate case of MPS blockade from the Supplementary Dataset 1. i, j Increase in the efficiency of tumour delivery for tracer nanoparticles after the induction of the MPS blockade. Red line indicates median efficiency derived from all data sets and equals to 1.4-fold increase. k Analysis of increase in blood circulation by AUC (left) and tumour delivery (right) in datasets, where tumour treatment was demonstrated. The boxes represent median, the 25th to 75th percentiles, and the whiskers show 1.5 interquartile range. Analysed data points are plotted left to the boxplots. Median values are reported on the graphs.