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. 2024 May 22;15:4368. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48690-7

Fig. 4. The ionic and electronic properties of two representative as-synthesized 2D AMX2 compounds.

Fig. 4

a, d, g Schematic diagrams of the superionic conductor (a), ferroelectricity (d), and reversible self-doping (g) properties that arise from the ionic-electronic coupling effects. The blue arrows in (a) present the directed long-distance migration of the Cu+/Ag+ ions within the interlayer. The dashed triangles in (d) show the two enantiomeric tetrahedral sites of Cu+/Ag+ ions, corresponding to the up and down ferroelectric polarization states of the materials. b The impedance spectroscopic measurement for AgCrS2 nanosheets with different thicknesses. The inset shows the equivalent circuit, where Rs, Re, and Ri correspond to the contact resistance, electronic resistance, and ionic resistance, respectively, and C1 and C2 are the constant phase elements. The detailed calculation process of ionic conductivity is shown in Supplementary Fig. 39. c The comparison of ionic conductivity with other reported superionic conductors16,4046. e Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) phase and amplitude hysteresis loop of CuScS2 nanosheet, the inset is the ferroelectric domains (white dashed square area) after forward and reverse DC bias polarization. The out-of-plane arrow symbols represent the Pup and Pdown states of the nanosheet after polarization. f Temperature-dependent optical second harmonic generation (SHG) measurement of a CuScS2 nanosheet, demonstrating a ferroelectric Curie temperature (Tc) of ~ 370 K. h, i Memristor behavior (h) and switchable photovoltaic behavior under illumination (λ = 532 nm, 256.6 mW/cm2) (i) after positive/negative pulse polarization of the CuScS2-based device.