(a) Low magnification view of a cross-section of the cervical spinal cord at the same level as Figure 4b, cat 4. There is aneurysmal dilation of the thrombosed ventral spinal artery. Bar = 2 mm. Hematoxylin and eosin ([HE] staining). (b) Ventral spinal artery, cervical spinal cord segment, cat 4. There is aneurysmal dilation of the artery, with thrombosis (thin arrow) and expansion of the vessel wall by hyaline degeneration (thick arrow). Magnification: × 5.9. HE staining. (c) Basilar artery communicating branch, cat 2. Aneurysmal dilation and thrombosis, which fills the artery lumen. There is fibrous tissue proliferation in the leptomeninges (thin arrow). Hemosiderin-laden macrophages surround the thrombosed vessel (thick arrows). Magnification: × 20. HE staining