Fig. 1.
Effect of HIV-1 infection on GCN2 phosphorylation. a Cellular proteins were extracted 24 h after infection (filled black square) or without infection (filled grey square) with HIV-1. Immunodetection of endogenous GCN2 independently of phosphorylation and of phosphorylated GCN2 using antibodies against phosphorylated T898 was performed by Western blot. b Cellular proteins were extracted at several times after infection or without infection and analyzed by Western blot. Phosphorylated GCN2, GCN2, and actin were detected using antibodies against phosphorylated GCN2 (T898), GCN2 and actin respectively. A typical experiment is shown in b. c Ratio phospho-GCN2/actin is shown for infected (filled black square) and uninfected (filled black diamond) cells. Quantification of phosphorylated GCN2 and actin was performed by Image J software. Results are derived from blots performed together and with the same time of exposure. A typical experiment is shown in c