Summary of cardiac outflow tract defects and deletion efficiency of SoxC genes in cardiac neural crest. a, b Overview of the number of animals obtained with Wnt1::Cre (a) and AP2α::Cre (b) mediated SoxC deletions (No), and percentage of outflow tract defects (OFT defects) per genotype in total, and subdivided into DORV and CT. c–g Immunohistochemistry was performed at 10.5 dpc with antibodies directed against Sox4 (red in d, f) and Sox11 (red in e, g) on embryos carrying a combination of Rosa26
stopflox-EYFP and Wnt1::Cre alleles (Wt) (c, d, e) or carrying the Rosa26
stopflox-EYFP on a Sox4
ΔWnt1 (f) or Sox11
ΔWnt1 (g) background (Mut). Wnt1::Cre-dependent activation of EYFP (green) from the Rosa26
stopflox-EYFP allele was used to label cells of the neural crest lineage. Nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue in c). Pictures in panels d–g were taken from the region boxed in c. Scale bars 50 μm