Identification of sym-plekin in different nuclear fractions from Xenopus oocytes. On the left a centrifugation scheme for the preparation of the LSP, HSP, and HSS fractions is shown. (A) Coomassie blue staining of various nuclear fractions from Xenopus oocytes and somatic cells separated by SDS-PAGE: Total mass-isolated nuclei (NU, lane 1), proteins of the LSP, HSP and HSS fractions from oocyte nuclei, total cellular proteins of Xenopus XLKE-A6 cells (A6) and of Xenopus egg extract (EGG). (B) Corresponding immunoblot probed with antibody Sym-TJ-E150. Note that symplekin is predominantly found in the HSP and HSS fraction. Reference (R) proteins are 212, 158, 116, 97, and 66 kDa (from top to bottom). Note also some symplekin degradation in lanes 3–6.