Fig. 8.
The Ig-CAM domain of human MMP23 shares sequence homology with the Ig-CAM and Ig-like C2 type domains from various proteins. Phylogenetic (PHYLIP) [175] analysis (a) and sequence alignment (b) of the IgCAM domains of human MMP23 (UniProt 075900) with rat CDON (XP_003751100), human Brother of CDO (Q9BWV1), human ROBO1-4 (ROBO1, Q1RMC7; ROBO2,Q9HCK4; ROBO3, Q96MS0; ROBO4, Q8WZ75), dog hemicentin (XP_548414), and human NCAM1 (P13591) and NCAM2 (O15394). Residues identical to human MMP23 are colored red, conserved residues are blue, and cysteine residues involved in disulphide bonds are green. Secondary structural elements based on the X-ray crystal structure of human ROBO1 (PDB ID: 2V9R) are shown above the sequence alignment where arrows represent β-strands and cylinders are α-helices. Adapted from Rangaraju et al. [39]