Fig. 5.
Both FBLN2 variants are expressed in the mammary gland. a Murine FBLN2 consists of N-terminus domain (N-term), anaphylatoxin motifs in domain I, EGF-like repeats in domain II and C-terminal domain (III). FBLN2 V1 and FBLN2 V2 differ only by the absence in FBLN2 V2 of the EGF-like domain 3, which is encoded by exon 9 (circle with a red outline) and a potential glycosylation site (N3). Circles with an asterisk possess a Ca2+ binding consensus sequence. Amino acid linkers (arrow heads) join the first EGF-like repeat to domain I and other EGF-like repeat domains. Positions of potential N-glycosylation sites (N1, N2, N3 and N4) and the RGD consensus (RGD) are indicated. b PCR illustrating expression of both splice variants Fbln2 V1 (394 bp) and V2 (254 bp) in Post-LN and Pre-LN strips and isolated TEB (RNA was pooled from 1145 TEB before cDNA synthesis) with weak product from ducts. Positive control is cDNA from mouse kidney and negative is no RT PCR quality control. Tissue strips were collected from individual mice for each RNA isolate. The figure shows two results representative of four independent RNA isolates