Extended Data Figure 2. Photometry of cVLMTH-neurons to mild somatosensory stimuli.
Related to Fig 2. A. Heatmap traces from 3 individual animals to tail clip. B-E. Averaged intracellular calcium responses, using in vivo fiber photometry, of cVLMTH neurons. Responses to mild mechanical with brush to hind-paw (B), von Frey filament on plantar surface of hind-paw (C), localized heating (Hargreaves test on plantar surface of hind-paw) (D), and cold plate stimulation (E) show, only modest increases in intracellular calcium in cVLMTH neurons; n=6 mice, data are represented as mean results (blue) ± SEM (grey). Quantification of the AUC for measurements are shown to the right of each data set and showed that compared to baseline responses, GCaMP6s responses were not significantly different, p=0.67, p=0.997, p=0. 40, p=0.31, respectively for panels B-E, two-sided unpaired t-test. Box chart legend: box is defined by 25th, 75th percentiles, whiskers are determined by maximum and minimum, horizontal line represents the mean.