Fig. 5.
SAXS data from an equimolar mixture of CFTR NBD1/NBD2 in presence of 25 nM PBF. a SAXS pattern was obtained in the absence of ATP and in the presence of the CFTR potentiator. Data represent the intensity as a function of the momentum transfer, s. Bars are the standard deviations. The insets are the Gunier plots [I(s) versus s 2], where solid line is the extrapolation of data to s = 0, for sR g < 1.3. by the Guinier approximation. The solid line is the fitting of experimental data with the SAXS spectra of the isolated NBD1 and NBD2 [29] and that of the NBD1/NBD2 dimer in absence of ATP, using Eq. 6. b Individual spectra used to fit the experimental data, and the resulting fitted spectra. Curves were displaced in the ordinate for clarity