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. 2012 Jul 3;69(21):3701–3713. doi: 10.1007/s00018-012-1049-7

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Shape of the isomolar mixture of NBD1/NBD2 in different conditions. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the NBD1/NBD2 dimer in the absence of ATP (a), with 2 mM ATP (b) and with 2 mM ATP and 25 nM PBF (c). The ball model to the left is the reconstruction done with DAMMIF with a s max = 2.5 nm−1. Atomic molecular models were docked on the volume envelopes estimated with the program Situs. The atomic model of the NBD1/NBD2 in the closed channel and in the open channel conformations, according to the molecular model of the whole CFTR proposed by the group of Callebaut [9], were docked on the NBD1/NBD2 dimer in the absence of ATP (a), with 2 mM ATP (b). The two NBD monomers were flexible docked on the envelope corresponding to the NBD1/NBD2 with 2 mM ATP and 25 nM PBF with Situs. c The Kratky plot (s 2 I(0) vs. s) of the isomolar mixture of NBD1/NBD2 without ATP, and without potentiator (black) and with 25 nM PBF (red). d The Kratky plot of the isomolar mixture of NBD1/NBD2 with 2 mM ATP and without potentiator (blue), and with 25 nM PBF (magenta)