Fig. 1.
Reduction of O-GlcNAcase activity increases Drosophila body growth. a The size of NButGT-fed flies compared to that of mock-fed control (CTL) flies. b Body weights of control (n = 293 ♂ and n = 297 ♀) and drug-fed (n = 278 ♂ and n = 313 ♀) adult flies. Experiments were done in triplicate with >100 male and >100 female flies in each experiment. c, d The size of wing discs from mock-fed (n = 15) and NButGT-fed (n = 17) male wandering third instar larvae. e Knock-down efficiency of two OGA RNAi transgenes as analyzed by Western blotting using anti-O-GlcNAc RL2 antibody as a measure of cellular O-GlcNAcylation level in larvae of indicated genotypes. β-actin was used as a loading control. f, g The size and weight of Act>OGA RNAi X (n = 277) female flies compared to the UAS-only control flies (n = 259). Since the UAS-OGA RNAi X stock contained the attached X chromosome, only females were analyzed. Experiments were done in triplicate with >100 animals analyzed in each experiment. h, i The sizes of the wing discs of UAS-only (n = 13) and Act>OGA RNAi X (n = 13) female larvae. b, d, g, i Data are mean ± SE *p < 0.001 by Student’s t test. c, h Scale bars represent 100 μm