Fig. 1.
LHCGR protein expression in placental tissue at 8 and 10 weeks of gestation. A LHCGR expression in human placental sections. The photographs in a and b show chorionic villi sections immunostained with anti-LHCGR antibody at 8 wg and 10 wg, respectively. The photographs in c and d show tissue sections incubated with pre-immune sera at 8 and 10 wg, respectively. Cytotrophoblast (Ct), Hofbauer cells (Ho), syncytiotrophoblast (St). Scale bar 50 μm. B Representative Western-blot analysis of LHCGR expression in human placental extracts collected at 6–8 wg, 9–11 wg and at term. Two major bands with molecular masses of 55 and 70 kDa were observed at all gestational periods