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. 2024 May 16;73(19):430–434. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7319a2


The figure is a boxplot indicating counterfactual analysis of the impact of mass vaccination and active case-finding interventions on the total number of measles cases among shelter residents, conditional on a measles outbreak associated with a migrant shelter in Chicago, Illinois, during 2024.

Counterfactual analysis* of the impact of mass vaccination and active case-finding interventions on the total number of measles cases among shelter residents, conditional on a measles outbreak associated with a migrant shelter — Chicago, Illinois, 2024

* Boxplots represent median (horizontal line) and 25th (bottom) and 75th (top) percentiles across stochastic simulations, and the error bars extend from the minimum to maximum values.

Three or more cases.