Analysis of an in vitro suppression assay testing the function of murine Tr1 cells. First, responding CD4+ T cells are identified by gating for physical parameters (lymphocyte and single cell gate), living cells, CD4+ T cells, which are positive for the CellTrace. Within the Responder population, the number of cell divisions can be tracked according to the fluorescence intensity of the CellTrace, since the fluorescence intensity is reduced by half after every division. In order to calculate the number of cells that underwent division out of the population of precursor cells, the number of cells (#) is adjusted to the number of divisions of each cell. For example, the number of cells that have divided once is divided by two (#/2), since two cells originate from one precursor cell. Based on the frequency of total precursor cells and divided precursor cells, the frequency of division can be calculated. To calculate the suppressive capacity of the experimental group (=Tr1 cells), the frequency of division in the negative control is set to 100%.